Stephen Nass

Founder of the Free State Food Network. Owner at The Independence Inn. Board President & Founder of The Shell Community Center. Free State Project Ambassador and Seacoast Liberty Organizer. Phone or Signal: 608 444 5896

On the Menu: Food Freedom

The Free State Food Network was honored to have the opportunity to be a topic of discussion at this years Liberty Forum, produced by the Free State Project ( Dominic DeMaria of Porcupine Real Estate moderated the panel with NH Representative and bestselling homesteading author… Read More »On the Menu: Food Freedom

Farm Product Map

Exciting News! The Free State Food Network is helping collaborate with the University of New Hampshire’s Farm Product Map. In 2020, the UNH Extension began building an interactive online map of New Hampshire Farms. As food shortages and the fragility of our supply chain became… Read More »Farm Product Map

The Cult of the State

If the government provides you with toxic “sludge” for your farm, encourages you to spread it on your fields, then years later decides the sludge contains an invisible poison, shutting you down…and you say things like “I’m proud of how the state stepped up to… Read More »The Cult of the State

Our Guide to Organic in New Hampshire

The Free State Food Network has put together this handy guide to help you make sense of the bills in the statehouse relating to Certified Organic. If you’re reading this after 2024, it will hopefully be out of date.

Food Bill Hearings 1/9/24

Free State Food NetworkWeek of January 9, 2024Request for Support Below are the upcoming bills that either grow or restrict the freedom of the food industry in New Hampshire along with their upcoming hearing dates. Unless otherwise specified, all hearings are in the Concord Legislative… Read More »Food Bill Hearings 1/9/24